Dear customers and vendors,
It is with great regret that I must inform you that as of this month, Oh mammy will be closing its business. We have sincerely appreciated your patronage of Oh Mammy for so long, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
As of January 31st, all online orders including DoorDash and Grubhub will be discontinued.
While the store will remain open through February, please understand that we will only be offering frozen products.
It has already been 5 years since we first opened, and we are now entering our 6th year thanks to the support of all of you.
After carefully considering various factors, we have decided to close our store and all operations at the end of this month. Although the physical store will be closing, we plan to continue and expand the activities of Oh mammy in a different form, aiming to introduce fermentation / HAKKO to more people.
In the future, our main focus will be on delivering frozen products, participating in events, farmers' markets, or placing our products in one of their vendors.
We will inform you of any future locations or partnerships through email newsletters or Instagram, so please register and follow us.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Once again, thank you very much for all of your support and cooperation.
We wish you all wellness and happiness from the bottom of our hearts!
Sincerely yours,
Oh mammy
Mayumi Motoki
大変残念なお知らせではありますが、今月を持ちまして、Oh mammyの営業は終了とさせていただきます。
長らくOh mammyをご愛顧頂きまして、皆さまには心より甚大な感謝を申し上げます。
さまざまな要因を慎重に検討した結果、今月いっぱいで弊社の店舗・営業のすべてを閉鎖し、店舗はなくとも、今後は形を変えて、より多くの方々に発酵を知っていただけるよう、Oh mammyの活動を継続・展開していく所存です。
Oh mammy 代表 元木真弓